DIY WordPress Website

Dear reader,

WordPressI recognise that not everyone who wants a website wants to sign up with our services straight away.

Perhaps you want a free website and to do it all yourself – to get going and try it out.

I have been writing a guide to help you do this.

The guide is completely free of charge. Just click the Download button.


This guide will get you started using WordPress on

With you will notice certain limitations. For instance, you cannot add new plug-ins. (These are extras for your website that add  functionality, like contact gathering, search engine optimisation enhancements, conversion of your WordPress site into a membership site, etc). Where these functions are present in WordPress, they tend to be less powerful than third-party versions. You are stuck with what WordPress lets you have (which, to be fair is pretty awesome).

With our WordPress sites hosted on our high-performance servers you get a lot more flexibility. The other thing you will find is that when you start paying for’s paid-for extras the costs start mounting up, quickly. So, when you are ready to upgrade to our servers, just contact us. We can transfer your pages and posts from your site, put it on a personalised domain. (Compare our cost for a domain name of around £6 per year to’s)

Most important thing is that you get started and Happy Web Publishing!




PS This guide is a work in progress – as WordPress evolves the guide will need to evolve. You may feel that I have missed out something. Just email me at (click on the link) and I will get back to you. Your suggestion will help shape newer versions of the guide.

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