First download the software from Remote Support App.
Make a note of where you downloaded it to.
If you are using a PC
Double-click on the file that you downloaded. It may ask for permission to run – grant it.
Now skip to ‘giving information to your Support Person’
If you are using a Mac
The file you download will be
Depending on how your Mac is set up, this may automatically ‘extract’ the file to make TeamViewerQS. (If the file has not been ‘extracted’, just double-click on it.)
Double-click on the TeamViewerQS file. You will receive a warning that you have downloaded the file from the internet. Click on ‘Open’.
Now skip to ‘giving information to your Support Person’
If you are using Linux
Follow the instructions for Mac
Giving Information to your Support Person
Now that you have downloaded and run the app, it will present you with an ID and a password. Give these to your Support Person and they will start the remote session.
If, at any time, you feel uncomfortable about what is happening in the session, click on the X to end the session.
For your safety, all the information that travels between you and the support person is encrypted with industry-grade encryption, so no-one can snoop in on your session. It is possible that the Support Person may record the session.
After your session is completed, you may keep the file. This will save you from having to download it for your next support session.