Salesbolt – making your LinkedIn journey easy (with Salesforce)
Trying to expand your business?
Jump to *** for TL;DR version. This first bit it boring but sets the scene.
When trying to build your business, one of the most important tools for Business to Business contacts is LinkedIn. With LinkedIn you can:
- See who you are in contact with
- See job postings
- See who your contacts are in contact with (see the ‘social graph’)
Getting this information into Salesforce is BORING.
*** Typing information into Salesforce is boring. Browsing LinkedIn is fun.
Easy ways to get information into Salesforce either involve finding it on LinkedIn and retyping it. OR paying for a hideously expensive tool.
Salesbolt is inexpensive and does the complete job.
I showed this tool to my management consultant and her jaw nearly hit the floor – so simple.
I even produced a video to show you how it works.
If you think this could help you, sign up to Salesbolt. The link will get me a commission: Salesbolt Signup