24th Sep 2018 | General Information, Web Hosting, Websites, WordPress
In the world of websites, fast is king.
If it isn’t fast you:
- Lose visitors
- Get down-ranked by Google
- Are tedious to navigate
- Risk losing sales opportunities
So, Cloud Genius is very proud to be able to announce that our top tier of web servers are:
- Super fast – they use SSDs instead of old hard disks
- Use super-fast networking
- Now use the HTTP/2 protocol, which is far faster than the old HTTP protocol
- Have the option of using StackPath content delivery networks for global reach. (Great if you have an international market.)
If you want the very best in website hosting, come to us.
6th Nov 2017 | Business Directory, Coding
Our latest project has been something of a challenge.
A branded website…
That is also a business directory…
That also has local business and community events…
Oh, and can you give it the capability to be bi-lingual.
We need it in less than a month.
So, how did we do that?
Well we base all our websites on WordPress – this gives us a very stable base to build upon. It also means that (unlike bespoke coding) security concerns can be addressed quickly. Developers of extensions have millions of users demanding the security updates!
We have built that with business directory, calendaring and translation using tried and tested tools. We have used local talent for the branding and design and yes, it is even mobile friendly, good for search engines and is already well embedded in the Google index!
Bet you are wanting to see it now! It is at https://cmb.wales
Already lots of businesses have signed up. Community calendar events are free!
Cudos to Diana and the team at Ailgynnau consulting for commissioning us for this project.
There is still work to be done, as not all the Welsh translations are in, but when they are we can apply them to the website.
1st Jul 2013 | General Information, Web Hosting, Websites
Yesterday, yes Sunday, a client asked me for a new website. They are selling a property in Krakow and need to do it quickly. How could they do it quickly and easily?
Well, I created for them a beautiful, temporary website: [ss_screenshot width=’300′ site=’https://apartmentkrakow.cloud-genius.com’]
Nice website, but what’s so special about that?
The important aspect of this website is that people find it. This website has special Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) on every page. This means that search engines, such as Google, do not just make up a summary of each page, but have been told how to summarise. The website has been deliberately submitted to search engines to ensure the earliest possible indexing. There are also full analytics and it has been submitted to Google AdWords.
The website has been laid out to help the visitor. On every page is the ‘call to action’ (‘to buy this property, go here’).
There are email addresses on the pages. They have been encrypted so that humans can click to email, but spam-generating engines cannot read them.
The pages are optimised so that to the search engine the important content comes first, but to the human every thing is in the order that suits them.
The news of the sale has to be got out there quickly – all the pages have links to social media. Any new articles are automatically publicised.
Finally, most website viewing is on mobile devices. This website automatically generates a version for mobile devices. (It is a ‘responsive’ website.)
So, it looks beautiful, it is totally functional AND it was only commissioned yesterday. The beauty of this website is more than skin-deep. Do you want the same, five-star treatment?
[Yes, they could have had their own domain, but chose not to :-)]