Eventbrite to Salesforce made Easy in Bulk

Written by John Dray (CEO)

24th March 2014

Lots of firms and charities use Eventbrite for their events and Salesforce for their customer relationship management.

Makes sense – Eventbrite makes it really easy to set up, advertise and sell your events. Once people turn up, there are lots of easy, quick, simple ways to sign people in.

Salesforce is the number one CRM system for keeping track of your donors, customers or anyone else who engages with your system.

You want to know how to import your Eventbrite data into your Salesforce. Easy, there is a free tool that will import your events one by one! To update your events you have to run it against each of your events – one by one. THERE MUST BE AN EASIER WAY!

There is!

The Cloud Genius connector will scan all your Eventbrite events and use the data to update your campaign members. If the people do not exist in your database you have the choice to either have them created as Leads or Contacts (with an associated account, too).

It does all your jobs in one hit, can run regularly throughout the day and is really economical in terms of API calls.

Better than that it uses advanced data cleansing techniques to reduce the amount of dud data brought into your Salesforce environment. (You can even set a list of account names to be ignored.) It also works with the Non Profit Starter Pack installed.

For more information, just contact us.

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