Do your systems talk to each other?
Find out how we get your IT communicating
…and all that information that should be making money for you is just making more work as you try to get it into some sort of order?
Are you fed up with having a business where nothing talks to anything else?
Get Your Data Working
If your accounts package and your contacts are not on speaking terms. We can produce systems that get information out of one silo and shared (safely and securely) with your other systems.
A fantastic example is our Event Bridge product. Developed for a client, all the Eventbrite bookings were in Eventbrite. All the contacts were in Salesforce. Event Bridge brings the data out of Eventbrite, cleans it up and safely brings it into Salesforce.
Why clean the data? Have you noticed how people type things like ‘None of your business’, or ‘****’ instead of writing their job title or company name. We trap that and put in something sensible. Our flagship produce can be seen at:
If you have a specific requirement, then contact us

Where is my Salesforce instance located?
One of the big questions for charities (and for businesses) is, WHERE IS MY DATA? Knowing where your data is part of your compliance with the regulations. Here is our knowledge article on where to find it!...
Another Trademark for Cloud Genius
A Trademark is born Behold it's glory!® It feels like a win at the Oscars… but there is a lot more to the story. The Event Bridge® logo now has the same Trademark protections as the Event Bridge® name. It is another step on Event Bridge’s journey within the...
Time to Re-visit Security in Password Managers – 1Password
Yes, this is fair and unpaid Just so you know, our decisions are based on our experience and there was no money from relevant services or monetised links. For a number of years we have been using a password manager called 'LastPass'. This has been great - as it has...
Launching our new support portal
Finding support can be difficult... so that is why we have launched our support portal. The idea is that people will be able to help themselves before checking in with us. For many people, this 'instant result' saves them a load of time. However, there will still be...
Net Zero… and getting there
When you are partner for a company, you expect them to talk a lot about their product. So, it was a bit of a shock being at the recent partner talk. Salesforce is different. They talk about how you can get the best talent. They talk about how they have added...
Carry People on the Journey
We are putting our knowledge together and making it available to everyone
Customer Responsiveness and Women’s Fashions
One of the joys of running your own business is having all the tasks that no-one else in the business can/will do. That includes networking... I am a member of the EVO network. This morning we had a great talk from Laura B, founder of the Shortlist. Laura is on a...
How do I know how well we are doing?
What on earth are they doing? One of the scariest moments of going from being a successful ‘minion’ to a manager is that moment when you realise that you don’t know what is happening. You can look very carefully at the folk you are managing, but you cannot watch every...
Email privacy changes and how they affect you
It's not going to work the same. One of the go-to methods for contacting many clients is mass-email. Here we use Campaign Monitor, but there are many others including the venerable MailChimp. All of these systems allow you to track whether someone has opened their...