Do your systems talk to each other?
Find out how we get your IT communicating
…and all that information that should be making money for you is just making more work as you try to get it into some sort of order?
Are you fed up with having a business where nothing talks to anything else?
Get Your Data Working
If your accounts package and your contacts are not on speaking terms. We can produce systems that get information out of one silo and shared (safely and securely) with your other systems.
A fantastic example is our Event Bridge product. Developed for a client, all the Eventbrite bookings were in Eventbrite. All the contacts were in Salesforce. Event Bridge brings the data out of Eventbrite, cleans it up and safely brings it into Salesforce.
Why clean the data? Have you noticed how people type things like ‘None of your business’, or ‘****’ instead of writing their job title or company name. We trap that and put in something sensible. Our flagship produce can be seen at:
If you have a specific requirement, then contact us

Mind Your Language!
It is a common misconception that in order to talk with technical people, you need to talk their language. It’s wrong and it’s dangerous and it’s expensive… let me explain. This might feel painful, but you will understand more of the process at the end. When you are...
Let’s join the party!
When I searched for ‘Create a Buzz’, this photo was not what I was after. On the other hand, it is fun so it will probably get you to engage. There is a problem on the internet. How do you get people to engage and follow you? Well, a friend of mine has come up with a...
Help! What is a CRM and how do I choose one?
One of the bigger, if not the biggest business decision is purchasing a new CRM system. (Customer Relationship Management system) This information is not Salesforce specific!!! While I do consult on Salesforce, this guide is deliberately about what a CRM can do for...
Spreadsheets are enough for my business – move on
Spreadsheets are wonderful. I have a load of them. Everything from personal ones that calculate my kg weight in stones and pounds (apologies to US readers) and my BMI through to things that help me calculate budgets and so on. I even have transient data in them, when...
Growing the Business in Interesting Times
Did you notice that the last 12 months has been interesting? Rather like that curse, may you live in 'interesting times'. For me, it has been a time of re-engaging with my lovely, lovely customers. A year ago, I gave up my staff, gave up the office, started working...
Training on Salesforce for free?
On of the advantages of the current crisis is that it has allowed us to meet virtually, at a moment's notice. No travel time. Distance is no longer an object. It is a tiny sop, out of a global crisis.. but it is very real. Running on cloud-based technology, my clients...
A heart to heart – what I learned from Lunch and Learn
One of the mind-games that I play as a business owner is that I am not good enough. That in many ways I have failed each and every client at some point in time. So, asking for a testimonial is only asking for trouble. This week, I held a ‘Lunch and Learn’. My...
I feel a change coming on. I have a vision.
These are odd times. To say the least. Many people have been furloughed or wondering what to do with their lives. Will they have a job? Are they happy with the job they have? With so much spare time, many people have taken this as a opportunity to think about their...
Podcast with HGKC and Useful Tips for Lockdown
Just finished recording a new podcast with Kim Jones of HGKC. Kim and her company offer high-quality coaching for small and medium-sized businesses. In these unusual times they are producing a range of podcasts to help people navigate their businesses through these...