21st Sep 2018 | Consultancy, Email, Event Bridge, Eventbrite, Salesforce
Has your synchronisation between Salesforce and Eventbrite been abandoned?
Occasionally, we have to claim our bragging rights. We do a lot of work with charities – more than 50% of our Salesforce work is with charities, but it is not all directly with Salesforce.
We (safely) unleash data you hold in one system and move it over to another system controlled by you.
What is the benefit?
Well suppose you have lots of events running on Eventbrite and you want to grab that data and put it in your Salesforce org.
In other words, you have lots of people who are interested in you and your products – they have attended your events – and you want to convert them into customers. Their data is TRAPPED in one system (in this case Eventbrite). You need it in Salesforce so that you can put it to work.
There are a number of ways of doing this. Most of them are half-hearted. A year or two after they have been written, they are abandoned. We are able to do reliable, repeatable synchronisations. Our tools are never ‘abandon-ware’.
Our Eventbridge has been continually developed over four years, through API and data requirement changes.
It has allowed our clients to revolutionise their conversions. It could for you.
10th Jul 2018 | Business Directory, Charity, Consultancy, Event Bridge, Training
So, here it is… at long last
When I moved the business to The Beacon Centre, my main reason was to be able to deliver high quality training to give an advantage to local businesses. At long last it is now a reality.
The Club is going to be kicking off The Training Club on 21st August 2018.
It is for business decision makers who are ready to:
- Grow
- Develop the potential in their business
- Increase their high quality business relationships
- Work with higher quality clients
- Meet the challenges of being in business
Already we have a line-up of high-quality speakers who are enthusiastic to impart their wisdom and knowledge. I will release more information over the coming weeks
At the first meeting on 21st August, our headline speaker is Sarah Owen.
Sarah Owen – Referral Marketing Guru
Sarah is the first accredited trainer to deliver Asentiv (formerly Referral Institute) material outside the USA. She is considered one of the leading experts in Europe in this niche topic, combined with DISC the leading behavioural styles tool, she has worked with thousands of businesses and employees of large companies increasing their business through personal recommendation.
I know how she has helped me transform my business. There is nowhere that you will get this material at a better price.
So, you can dip in with one-off tickets (£25 ex VAT) or you can join and save a lot of money (£10 ex. VAT per month).
- Start at 9am
- One hour talk
- Break for networking
- One hour talk on another topic
- Finish by noon.
You can purchase tickets or find out about our membership packages here:
17th Jun 2015 | Consultancy, e-Commerce, Event Bridge, Extract/Transform/Load, Transferring, Web Hosting, WordPress
If you have an e-Commerce website, there is a high probability that you are using either WordPress e-Commerce or Woo Commerce. In recent months, e-Commerce seems to be losing support from plug-in writers. Added to that, Woo Commerce is being bought out by Automaticc (who? the people behind WordPress).
So, it seems to be a pretty good time to move from WPeC to Woo. If you have tried any of the converters, you will probably find that they don’t quite work. Not much good if you are trying to keep your site live AND move platform.
Cloud Genius has a solution – with our expertise in Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) we use some of the best tools around, with a little magic of our own to help you make the conversion.
Talk to us about converting your site today.
19th Sep 2014 | Event Bridge, Eventbrite, Salesforce
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
John Wanamaker

Imagine if you were not wasting that money. Imagine your marketing is as tight and effective as possible.
Lots of marketing is done through events, meetings, presentations and so on. Events where it would be great to know who was in attendance, whether you had ‘touched’ them before and how you converted them to buy your product (and then evangelise it).
Eventbrite is fantastic for this – if you offer your events for free, then Eventbrite takes no money… but advertises your event, promotes it, handles ticketing and attendance. It is amazing!
Eventbrite has tools for analysing individual events, but you are serious about your marketing. You want to analyse ALL your data.
Event Bridge brings all of your data from Eventbrite into Salesforce CRM (the leading CRM package in the world).
You can then analyse it all. Find out which event converted whom, which events gave biggest ‘bang for the buck’. You can tune your marketing sinews to Olympic standards.
The graphic that tells the story. Click here for more information.
8th Aug 2014 | Event Bridge, Eventbrite, Salesforce, Security and Safety
You could say that it has been a good week, but that would be a lie. It has been a fantastic week! Bear with me… I will get to that security flaw.
I have to start with Salesforce – Cloud Genius Ltd now has registered partner status. This will let us give you even better service and give you sneak peeks at new features. It will also enhance our ability to offer training environments.
As you may have read before, we have been developing an Eventbrite -> Salesforce connector. Why? when there are others? Well this one has features that are unavailable in the others (and unlikely to be, because of their nature) and ours does not have the usage/limit costs associated with the others. We have finally come up with a name for the product (Event Bridge) and are in the process of developing a website that will tell you all about its features, pricing and why you could really do with using it. We are also in the process of re-vamping the CG website. (Yes, I know it is looking ‘tired’, but if you go to an electrician’s home and turn on the light the kettle boils.)
In the process of developing Event Bridge we discovered a subtle security flaw in Eventbrite. Talk about rapid reaction – within hours they had deployed a fix. I always say that you can just a company not in the good times, but in the bad. On that score, Eventbrite has certainly come up trumps. Even better, Cloud Genius will now appear on their security Hall of Fame… so we managed to help make the internet a safer place. (I always like it when a small company in Wales helps out a multi-national.)
So, that’s it for this week. Just off to get my super-hero uniform re-tailored.