Writing Content for Intelligent Emails
Once we had Mrs Jones in mind, writing emails to her was very easy. Having an individual in mind will help your writing to be more personal, and will help you move from selling to being informative. Few people like being sold to. Most people like to be better informed about something they are interested in. At the moment they are interested in you and your product. Help them!

Cardiff Salesforce User Group – starts tonight
Sing! Sing! Sing! Last night was the second rehearsal of my Welsh Male Voice Choir. Hurrah! It was so good to see friends back in real life and catch up. Networking is back on the cards... and that, too is an opportunity to catch up with friends, meet new people and...
£100 for a ponytail – that’s a lot
Getting money for Winston’s Wish bit.ly/JDfirewalk
Project Risks.. and how to avoid them.
It is always a great joy to hear Amanda Beard-Neilson speak. Amanda is organizer of one of the best Salesforce conferences in London. OK, I think the best. I have always found her an inspiration. Here she is on project management - something she absolutely aces!...
John supporting Winston’s Wish by getting his feet singed
I have many clients who are charities. I love working with charities as the world is a better place at the end of the day than it was at the beginning. To that end, I am doing a bit of fund-raising for a charity. I have chosen one which is not a client, as I didn't...
Life in a Multi-channel, Multi-media world. How do you cope/thrive?
Life used to be so easy in the old world (10 years ago). A client wanted you and they rang up. If you were not available, they went through to VoiceMail or got an engaged tone. If they emailed you, then you replied to them in a reasonable time. About the worst that...
More free Salesforce Training!
How do you learn best? There used to be a trope that some people were visual learners, some people learned best by hearing, some people learned best by reading, while others were kinaesthetic - they learned best by doing. While that seemed like a sensible set of...
Making your Transactional Emails less…errm… Transactional
Do you ever look at a friend, who you think has been the same for for many years, and suddenly think… they look older/fatter/thinner/different? For so long they look the same. You see them every day. They always look the same. Then you notice that there has been a...
The Cloud (Genius) is expanding
Expert at implementing the Non Profit Success Pack, Cloud Genius is super-excited to be celebrating 10 years in business. How should we celebrate?
Salesbolt – making your LinkedIn journey easy (with Salesforce)
Trying to expand your business? Jump to *** for TL;DR version. This first bit it boring but sets the scene. When trying to build your business, one of the most important tools for Business to Business contacts is LinkedIn. With LinkedIn you can: See who you are in...