27th Nov 2019 | Customer Engagement, Event Bridge, Eventbrite
I recently went to an event where the communication was appalling!
There were baggage checks that were only disclosed when you got the the front of the hour-long queue.

There was no program.
Even after I had left, a quarter of the way through in frustration… I was still receiving emails as if I were there.
This was at a big event, in a prestigious location. It left me feeling as if I were being treated like cattle.

How about, they had linked up their ticketing system to their messaging system? So that based on my attendance they could send me different messages?
It’s not only possible, it is inexpensive and easy!
Our Event Bridge solution does it quickly and easily. We can have you set up in an hour. Your attendance data in Eventbrite will seamlessly come over into your Salesforce account. It’s so easy!
Why not call for a demonstration? or check out our dedicated website on Event Bridge.
Not only will it give you the ability to treat your customers like royalty, it will also help you gain a profile of their attendance over time, it also cleans the data!
Call now on 08000 433 006 (UK free phone) or email info@eventbridge.com
14th Jul 2019 | Accounting, e-Commerce, Finance, Salesforce
Back in 2015, I wrote a short article about Breadwinner and how this amazing product was integrating all of our Xero accounts into Salesforce. It seems to have made our lives so easy for so long. All our contacts in our accounting software match up EXACTLY with our Salesforce contacts. In that time it has been great to see Breadwinner continue to develop and add new features. At the time I said that Breadwinner was so good that it was a reason to purchase Salesforce.
If you were a Netsuite user, you had no such luck. You were left out in the cold with not proper 2-way integrations between your accounts/ERP and your Salesforce. Similarly, getting information from your Stripe account into Salesforce was ‘difficult’.
TODAY, I have heard that all that has changed.
Breadwinner is also launching integrations to connect Salesforce to Stripe, and another one to integrate Netsuite with Salesforce.
Breadwinner has brought out an integration for Netsuite. That has to be big news – your CRM and your Accounts/ERP package talking to each other. Using all the power of Salesforce reporting to give a real insight into how your business is doing.
Stripe talking with your Salesforce has to be big news, too! (But I am still more excited by the Netsuite news.)
So, what are you waiting for? I have always found Breadwinner to be super helpful, so why not find out more from the links.
Salesforce to Stripe, and integrate Netsuite with Salesforce.
25th Dec 2018 | e-Commerce
Wishing everyone a joyous time of year, whether that is Channukah, Christmas, Diwali, Yule or whatever is special to you and those whom you love.
You have probably taken the time to put your feet up… but will your customers?
Many people will be bored on Christmas and start playing with their iPads, iPhones or the old desktop computer lurking in the corner. In other words, just because you have a holiday doesn’t mean that your customers and potential customers do. So make sure they have something to do!
What better than to have them spending money on your Ecommerce website – even better if they are using gift tokens that a friend or relative has bought for them. They can find out if Apple Pay or Google Pay really works on their new devices.
So, happy festivals, may you have lots of rest and a prosperous new year. (While your website works for you in the background.)
All the best,
24th Sep 2018 | General Information, Web Hosting, Websites, WordPress
In the world of websites, fast is king.
If it isn’t fast you:
- Lose visitors
- Get down-ranked by Google
- Are tedious to navigate
- Risk losing sales opportunities
So, Cloud Genius is very proud to be able to announce that our top tier of web servers are:
- Super fast – they use SSDs instead of old hard disks
- Use super-fast networking
- Now use the HTTP/2 protocol, which is far faster than the old HTTP protocol
- Have the option of using StackPath content delivery networks for global reach. (Great if you have an international market.)
If you want the very best in website hosting, come to us.
21st Sep 2018 | Consultancy, Email, Event Bridge, Eventbrite, Salesforce
Has your synchronisation between Salesforce and Eventbrite been abandoned?
Occasionally, we have to claim our bragging rights. We do a lot of work with charities – more than 50% of our Salesforce work is with charities, but it is not all directly with Salesforce.
We (safely) unleash data you hold in one system and move it over to another system controlled by you.
What is the benefit?
Well suppose you have lots of events running on Eventbrite and you want to grab that data and put it in your Salesforce org.
In other words, you have lots of people who are interested in you and your products – they have attended your events – and you want to convert them into customers. Their data is TRAPPED in one system (in this case Eventbrite). You need it in Salesforce so that you can put it to work.
There are a number of ways of doing this. Most of them are half-hearted. A year or two after they have been written, they are abandoned. We are able to do reliable, repeatable synchronisations. Our tools are never ‘abandon-ware’.
Our Eventbridge has been continually developed over four years, through API and data requirement changes.
It has allowed our clients to revolutionise their conversions. It could for you.
27th Jul 2018 | General Information
Sarah Owen
Founder & Director of DISCsimple
Sarah is recognised as one of Europe’s leading experts in the niche topic of Referral Marketing and uses DISC (the behavioural style tool used by millions of people every year) to help her clients to understand more about themselves and others to build strong, long lasting relationships that deliver profit to their businesses.
As a best-selling author, she’s been embraced by thousands of professionals around the world for her in-depth knowledge of how to grow a business by referral. She is a sought after Speaker in Europe and America on this topic.
Sarah has worked for large international companies during her career and she has owned and run (and sold!) a successful national training and consulting business. She was even referred to the person who bought her last company!!
So, Sarah wrote the book, is a best selling author AND is coming to present the first ever session at The Training Club in the Beacon Centre, Llanelli.
https://cloud-genius.com/training-club-membership to find out more.
19th Jul 2018 | Business Directory, Training, Training Club
What is the easiest business to win?
Anyone who has been in business knows that word of mouth is the easiest to win.
Do you have a referral strategy?
You mean you CAN have a strategy for word of mouth?
Most business women and men do not have a business strategy for referrals. If you build your referrals then you make more word of mouth business.
I am now setting up a Training Club that will address just these issues… but I am not an expert. So, I have Sarah Owen who is a world-renowned expert in building businesses through a referral strategy.
The Training Club will meet once every month. We will have two high-quality speakers. Each will speak or train for an hour on some aspect of building your business. In between there will be a break for networking or doing what you have just learned.
Sarah Owen will be presenting her training materials at each of the first six meetings.
Meetings will run from 9am to 12noon at the Beacon Centre in Llanelli (SA14 8LQ).
First meeting is on 21st August 2018.
Get your tickets and more details here: Book a ticket
10th Jul 2018 | Business Directory, Charity, Consultancy, Event Bridge, Training
So, here it is… at long last
When I moved the business to The Beacon Centre, my main reason was to be able to deliver high quality training to give an advantage to local businesses. At long last it is now a reality.
The Club is going to be kicking off The Training Club on 21st August 2018.
It is for business decision makers who are ready to:
- Grow
- Develop the potential in their business
- Increase their high quality business relationships
- Work with higher quality clients
- Meet the challenges of being in business
Already we have a line-up of high-quality speakers who are enthusiastic to impart their wisdom and knowledge. I will release more information over the coming weeks
At the first meeting on 21st August, our headline speaker is Sarah Owen.
Sarah Owen – Referral Marketing Guru
Sarah is the first accredited trainer to deliver Asentiv (formerly Referral Institute) material outside the USA. She is considered one of the leading experts in Europe in this niche topic, combined with DISC the leading behavioural styles tool, she has worked with thousands of businesses and employees of large companies increasing their business through personal recommendation.
I know how she has helped me transform my business. There is nowhere that you will get this material at a better price.
So, you can dip in with one-off tickets (£25 ex VAT) or you can join and save a lot of money (£10 ex. VAT per month).
- Start at 9am
- One hour talk
- Break for networking
- One hour talk on another topic
- Finish by noon.
You can purchase tickets or find out about our membership packages here:
12th Feb 2018 | Consultancy, Salesforce
Most people don’t want to live on the bleeding edge.
When the pioneers were landing on the Americas and exploring new frontiers, life was exciting.
There were herds of wild beasts that could trample you, new peoples who might want to kill you and so on.
Similarly, in the early development of the steam engine and the internal combustion engine explosions were not uncommon.
On the IT frontier, I have to admit to be excited by technology. My first computer arrived as a solder-together kit. It could lose all its data if it was wobbled in the wrong way.
Most people don’t want to live like that. It is not a good way to do business.
It also explains why so many NHS computers were still running Windows XP, which allowed them to be attacked by ransomware. (It’s a bit more complicated, but…) They were not on a more modern operating system because upgrades break stuff. (See below…) Some IT companies like that sort of thing… it is exciting helping customers out of a fix and they generally appreciate it.
People want their homes to be safe.
They want their public transport reliable (and safe).
Safe cars? To quote the Simpsons ‘unexplained fires are a matter for the courts’.
The point of all this? Salesforce has just performed a major upgrade.
What has it broken? Nothing!
What was the disruption like? There wasn’t any.
What incompatibilities has it introduced? Erm… none?
Boring Salesforce. I did notice it was slightly quicker. There was a slightly different signing-on animation. There will be improvements, that I will have to check over before rolling out to clients. But, everyone is on the latest version with its improved security. No cavalry riding to the rescue, just business as usual.
7th Feb 2018 | Consultancy, General Information, Salesforce
Everything goes wrong.
It’s obvious but many of us work as if our IT equipment is faultless. That it will never go wrong. We act shocked when all the information that our business requires to operate disappears with the failure of a hard disk or a USB stick or a theft. This normally means the end of the business, too.
So it is refreshing to know that some IT suppliers take a sensible approach.
For instance, here is a recent email from Salesforce.
What is a site switch and what action is required to prepare?
Each Salesforce instance is built and maintained in two geographically separate locations. An instance is actively served from one location (the active site) with transactions replicating in near real-time to the other completely redundant location (the ready site). During a site switch, we swap the locations of your ready and active sites; the ready site becomes the new active site and vice versa.
So if one of their data centres fails you continue working based of another data centre.
None of your data is stored on your computer, so a theft does not matter.
If only everything in life was as reliable as Salesforce. (And when it fails it still keeps on working!)
As I say to our customers: if two data centres fail, you probably have even more important things on your mind than your data.