15th Apr 2021 | Charity, Consultancy, General Information, Salesforce, Security and Safety, Training
One of the bigger, if not the biggest business decision is purchasing a new CRM system. (Customer Relationship Management system)
This information is not Salesforce specific!!!
While I do consult on Salesforce, this guide is deliberately about what a CRM can do for your business or charity. It is not about Salesforce!
So, grab a cuppa, sit back and watch the video. It’s about 20 minutes long.
At the end you should know what to consider before looking for a CRM system.
Good luck!
18th Mar 2021 | Business Ownership, Charity, Consultancy, Customer Engagement, General Information, Salesforce, Training
On of the advantages of the current crisis is that it has allowed us to meet virtually, at a moment’s notice.
No travel time. Distance is no longer an object.
It is a tiny sop, out of a global crisis.. but it is very real.
Running on cloud-based technology, my clients have been all around the world. When I spoke of learning, everyone thought of a classroom.
One of the side-effects of the crisis is that people are much more familiar with Zoom. So, now we can bring everyone together in a new and wonderful way. Rather than having to hire a classroom, have everyone travel to the same place AND put on food we can just spend some time together.
I was able to experience this at the first Cloud Genius ‘Lunch and Learn’ event on 11th March.
So, it set my mind thinking… perhaps we could have more of this.
What I am proposing is a monthly Lunch and Learn, where we look at different aspects of Salesforce and learn together.
Expect details to be posted here, soon.
Together, we can make amazing things happen.
10th Jul 2018 | Business Directory, Charity, Consultancy, Event Bridge, Training
So, here it is… at long last
When I moved the business to The Beacon Centre, my main reason was to be able to deliver high quality training to give an advantage to local businesses. At long last it is now a reality.
The Club is going to be kicking off The Training Club on 21st August 2018.
It is for business decision makers who are ready to:
- Grow
- Develop the potential in their business
- Increase their high quality business relationships
- Work with higher quality clients
- Meet the challenges of being in business
Already we have a line-up of high-quality speakers who are enthusiastic to impart their wisdom and knowledge. I will release more information over the coming weeks
At the first meeting on 21st August, our headline speaker is Sarah Owen.
Sarah Owen – Referral Marketing Guru
Sarah is the first accredited trainer to deliver Asentiv (formerly Referral Institute) material outside the USA. She is considered one of the leading experts in Europe in this niche topic, combined with DISC the leading behavioural styles tool, she has worked with thousands of businesses and employees of large companies increasing their business through personal recommendation.
I know how she has helped me transform my business. There is nowhere that you will get this material at a better price.
So, you can dip in with one-off tickets (£25 ex VAT) or you can join and save a lot of money (£10 ex. VAT per month).
- Start at 9am
- One hour talk
- Break for networking
- One hour talk on another topic
- Finish by noon.
You can purchase tickets or find out about our membership packages here:
24th Mar 2014 | Charity, Eventbrite, Salesforce
Lots of firms and charities use Eventbrite for their events and Salesforce for their customer relationship management.
Makes sense – Eventbrite makes it really easy to set up, advertise and sell your events. Once people turn up, there are lots of easy, quick, simple ways to sign people in.
Salesforce is the number one CRM system for keeping track of your donors, customers or anyone else who engages with your system.
You want to know how to import your Eventbrite data into your Salesforce. Easy, there is a free tool that will import your events one by one! To update your events you have to run it against each of your events – one by one. THERE MUST BE AN EASIER WAY!
There is!
The Cloud Genius connector will scan all your Eventbrite events and use the data to update your campaign members. If the people do not exist in your database you have the choice to either have them created as Leads or Contacts (with an associated account, too).
It does all your jobs in one hit, can run regularly throughout the day and is really economical in terms of API calls.
Better than that it uses advanced data cleansing techniques to reduce the amount of dud data brought into your Salesforce environment. (You can even set a list of account names to be ignored.) It also works with the Non Profit Starter Pack installed.
For more information, just contact us.
5th Nov 2013 | Charity, General Information, Web Hosting, Websites
It is not often that I promote a particular client, so there must be a really good reason!
The reason is that they make life better for local communities.
Community Spirit Partnership (CSP) work with communities to bring about Neighbourhood Development Plans. These plans are for the betterment of the local community and they only become a reality if the whole of the local community keeps informed and is in agreement. (Not just the ‘interested few’ who are seeking to make the local area better for themselves.)
[ss_screenshot width=’300′ site=’https://communityspiritpartnershipcic.org’ align=’right’]As you can imagine, this is quite a shift for many communities. Often there are those who get involved in local planning and ‘the rest’. CSP helps local communities get over these hurdles. It brings communities together. CSP itself is a cross between a company and a charity – a Community Interest Company (CIC), which is a special type of organisation that was created for just this sort of work. I have also known some of the people involved for more years than I care to remember – so I know that they are brilliant.
Throughout the planning and implementation process it is vital for the local community to be kept up-to-date. Part of keeping a community informed is an up-to-date website. One that is easy for the various parties to update, but allows for editorial controls, automatic, consistent formatting, allows for the posting of plans and comments and send out emails alerting people to updates and links in with social media and is rock solid…
Please check out CSP – their work is changing lives and communities. I cannot do them justice in this short article. Go to their website CSP for the full information.
It would also be GREAT if you would leave a comment. Go on – just hit that comment button. I don’t often open comments, but I would really love to know what you think about this.
19th May 2013 | Charity, General Information, Salesforce
As you may know, Salesforce directs 1% of its time and profits to helping in the charity/non profit sector. Salesforce is thriving, so that is a huge gift! Most of this work is channeled through the Salesforce Foundation. The Foundation has been doing some research on what makes for smooth implementation. Here are the results. Enjoy
Salesforce Foundation Survey Results