Training on Salesforce for free?

Training on Salesforce for free?

On of the advantages of the current crisis is that it has allowed us to meet virtually, at a moment’s notice.

No travel time. Distance is no longer an object.

It is a tiny sop, out of a global crisis.. but it is very real.
Running on cloud-based technology, my clients have been all around the world. When I spoke of learning, everyone thought of a classroom.

One of the side-effects of the crisis is that people are much more familiar with Zoom. So, now we can bring everyone together in a new and wonderful way. Rather than having to hire a classroom, have everyone travel to the same place AND put on food we can just spend some time together.

I was able to experience this at the first Cloud Genius ‘Lunch and Learn’ event on 11th March.

So, it set my mind thinking… perhaps we could have more of this.

What I am proposing is a monthly Lunch and Learn, where we look at different aspects of Salesforce and learn together.

Expect details to be posted here, soon.

Together, we can make amazing things happen.

Breadwinner delivers Salesforce integration for Netsuite

Breadwinner delivers Salesforce integration for Netsuite

Back in 2015, I wrote a short article about Breadwinner and how this amazing product was integrating all of our Xero accounts into Salesforce. It seems to have made our lives so easy for so long. All our contacts in our accounting software match up EXACTLY with our Salesforce contacts. In that time it has been great to see Breadwinner continue to develop and add new features. At the time I said that Breadwinner was so good that it was a reason to purchase Salesforce.

If you were a Netsuite user, you had no such luck. You were left out in the cold with not proper 2-way integrations between your accounts/ERP and your Salesforce. Similarly, getting information from your Stripe account into Salesforce was ‘difficult’.

TODAY, I have heard that all that has changed.

Breadwinner is also launching integrations to connect Salesforce to Stripe, and another one to integrate Netsuite with Salesforce.

Breadwinner has brought out an integration for Netsuite. That has to be big news – your CRM and your Accounts/ERP package talking to each other. Using all the power of Salesforce reporting to give a real insight into how your business is doing.

Stripe talking with your Salesforce has to be big news, too! (But I am still more excited by the Netsuite news.)

So, what are you waiting for? I have always found Breadwinner to be super helpful, so why not find out more from the links.

 Salesforce to Stripe, and integrate Netsuite with Salesforce.

Working with the best Charities and Salesforce

Has your synchronisation between Salesforce and Eventbrite been abandoned? 

Occasionally, we have to claim our bragging rights. We do a lot of work with charities – more than 50% of our Salesforce work is with charities, but it is not all directly with Salesforce.

We (safely) unleash data you hold in one system and move it over to another system controlled by you.

What is the benefit?

Well suppose you have lots of events running on Eventbrite and you want to grab that data and put it in your Salesforce org.

In other words, you have lots of people who are interested in you and your products – they have attended your events – and you want to convert them into customers. Their data is TRAPPED in one system (in this case Eventbrite). You need it in Salesforce so that you can put it to work.

There are a number of ways of doing this. Most of them are half-hearted. A year or two after they have been written, they are abandoned. We are able to do reliable, repeatable synchronisations. Our tools are never ‘abandon-ware’.

Our Eventbridge has been continually developed over four years, through API and data requirement changes.

It has allowed our clients to revolutionise their conversions. It could for you.

Why Technology Should be Boring (Salesforce)

Most people don’t want to live on the bleeding edge.

When the pioneers were landing on the Americas and exploring new frontiers, life was exciting.

There were herds of wild beasts that could trample you, new peoples who might want to kill you and so on.

Similarly, in the early development of the steam engine and the internal combustion engine explosions were not uncommon.

On the IT frontier, I have to admit to be excited by technology. My first computer arrived as a solder-together kit. It could lose all its data if it was wobbled in the wrong way.

Most people don’t want to live like that. It is not a good way to do business.

It also explains why so many NHS computers were still running Windows XP, which allowed them to be attacked by ransomware. (It’s a bit more complicated, but…) They were not on a more modern operating system because upgrades break stuff. (See below…) Some IT companies like that sort of thing… it is exciting helping customers out of a fix and they generally appreciate it.


People want their homes to be safe.

They want their public transport reliable (and safe).

Safe cars? To quote the Simpsons ‘unexplained fires are a matter for the courts’.

The point of all this? Salesforce has just performed a major upgrade.

What has it broken? Nothing!

What was the disruption like? There wasn’t any.

What incompatibilities has it introduced? Erm… none?

Boring Salesforce. I did notice it was slightly quicker. There was a slightly different signing-on animation. There will be improvements, that I will have to check over before rolling out to clients. But, everyone is on the latest version with its improved security. No cavalry riding to the rescue, just business as usual.

Cloud Genius helps Eventbrite with security flaw

You could say that it has been a good week, but that would be a lie. It has been a fantastic week! Bear with me… I will get to that security flaw.

I have to start with Salesforce – Cloud Genius Ltd now has registered partner status. This will let us give you even better service and give you sneak peeks at new features. It will also enhance our ability to offer training environments.

As you may have read before, we have been developing an Eventbrite -> Salesforce connector. Why? when there are others? Well this one has features that are unavailable in the others (and unlikely to be, because of their nature) and ours does not have the usage/limit costs associated with the others. We have finally come up with a name for the product (Event Bridge) and are in the process of developing a website that will tell you all about its features, pricing and why you could really do with using it. We are also in the process of re-vamping the CG website. (Yes, I know it is looking ‘tired’, but if you go to an electrician’s home and turn on the light the kettle boils.)

In the process of developing Event Bridge we discovered a subtle security flaw in Eventbrite. Talk about rapid reaction – within hours they had deployed a fix. I always say that you can just a company not in the good times, but in the bad. On that score, Eventbrite has certainly come up trumps. Even better, Cloud Genius will now appear on their security Hall of Fame… so we managed to help make the internet a safer place. (I always like it when a small company in Wales helps out a multi-national.)

So, that’s it for this week. Just off to get my super-hero uniform re-tailored.

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